February 7, 2011

Awaited Holiday at UK

Hello everyone!! 

Hope you'll doing great. Finally ticket is booked and of all the stress i went thru during exam  I just want to pamper myself and finally the a long awaited holiday has come to visit me and I'll be flying to UK to visit my elder sis for next 3 months and only will be back at 26th of April. Wohooooooooo!!!!! Excited....

I'm flying on the 10th February and I have lots to pack my things up. Gosh, needs to purchase lots of foods stuff for my sister. Gotta rush here and there and get things ready by tomorrow. So confused. The worst part here is on valentine day,  where my valentine will be Malaysia and I will be in UK, thats so sad isn't it but I will do prepared something before i leave. Come on, I born to give Surprise...

Ok people i have to leave, gotta rush to the nearest hypermarket and Watson. My next blogging will be  in UK. Cool isn't it..*Excited*  Ok take care people and much love :D
